BBDS Solutions-A Precise and Phased Approach
BBDS approaches to solutions design by performing a needs analysis that includes a records inventory of both physical and electronic records and technology inventory of current hardware and software including main line business applications to be integrated with, now or in the future.
We look at your current business processes and streamline with solutions including laser print conversion, automated capture and workflow processes and integration with current applications.
We offer simple, easy to use solutions that support your business without culture shock for your users. Integration with document imaging can add new functionality to existing business applications.

What is critical, legal and important?
We look at what is mission critical to your business. Vital records that ensure business continuity are a priority. BBDS has an AIIM Certified Electronic Records Management Master on staff to assist you with regulatory compliance initiatives and work with your current records retention policy or RDA. We can also assist with creating a Records Retention Policy and Disposition Schedule for your organization.